VASA NY Convention 2019

new york distict 4The New York District 4

Biennial Convention 2019



Dear Vasa Members & Vasa Friends!

Lodge Lindbergh #505 of Long Island is proud to be this year’s host of New York District #4’s Biennial Convention to be held on November 1st & 2nd, 2019 at The Marriott Uniondale on Long Island. 

Friday night, November 1st at 7 PM is a welcome reception and registration, and Saturday the 2nd all meetings, memorial service, election and the installation will take place. Saturday evening is a banquet gala, and you’re all invited! You do NOT have to be a Vasa member to come to our Saturday night dinner party & dance! We promise SWEDISH FUN!!!

 Click on the links below for your reservations at the Marriott, the itinerary, and the banquet gala flyer. Welcome to Convention 20!

In Truth & Unity,

Jeanne Eriksson-Andersen

NY Dist. #4 Cultural Leader

Chairman of Lindbergh Lodge #505 – email

718.415.0602 – text/call




Click Below For the “Group Rate” for Vasa New York District 4

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2015 Convention

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